Giving Our Characters Substance & Dimension

Giving Our Characters Substance & Dimension “Honest writing cannot be separated from the person who wrote it.” – Carl Jung We, writers, create the best characters when we know ourselves—the depth of ourselves—and tap into that depth when we write, using all our senses.   Writers often have trouble creating believable, unusual characters. Instead, we…

Thin Places

Thin Places Places, locations, and experiences, sometimes outside ourselves, then others, deep down inside our gut. Places that inspire reverence even though the place or event, or feeling may not seem overly spiritual. Yet it inspires reverence even though the place or event, or feeling may not seem overly spiritual.   I have carried a…

Writing character from the inside out

Writing Character From Inside Out “Honest writing cannot be separated from the person who wrote it.” – Carl Jung This afternoon we focus on character. We will do hands-on writing exercises that guide us to create characters from real life and circumstance; who show who they are by what they say and do, with individual…

Falling in Love All Over Again

Falling in Love All Over Again The best we figure, the Scots-Irish Dickey clan moved to Orange, Texas, in 1917. The lot of them loaded up and moved to the area from Thorndale, in Milam County. The women and children took the train while the men loaded their belongings on wagons and trekked across the…